Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Guess who's back?

Colby decided he wanted to surprise his family with some fun pictures for Christmas gifts and stopped by for some new pics. This little is guy is always more than welcome to drop in because he is so much fun to hang out with and has one of the all time best baby laughs. Hope he visits again soon!

He really really wants to walk and is almost there.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The kiddos by Jen

Jen decided that she needed to update some frames around the house and invited Colin and Paige over to have a bit of fun with Dempsey. I am posting some of my favorites here because I totally dig the pics and I don't think I have ever seen the three cousins sitting still at the same time. And of course Colin spotted my long board in the corner and in true form did some most excellent stylin' and profilin' as Jen was snapping away!